Tuition fee €2,300 per year

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Application fee €30 one-time

This non-refundable fee allows you to apply for admission to a maximum of two programmes of study.

How to pay the fee

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NEWS! A webinar showcasing this programme and involving a professor and a current student took place as part of Ca’ Foscari’s 2023 INTERNATIONAL OPEN DAYS.




Would you like to be someone who helps sustainable technology research take important leaps forward? Do you want to work as a scientist and engineer in the fields of biomedicine and finance? To help you achieve these goals, this programme offers three innovative curricula in the fields of modern physics and engineering and the science of complex systems. All three curricula are pioneering, offering an educational experience not yet available elsewhere, and they are designed to shape the next generation of academics and professionals capable of tackling the challenges of the twenty-first century.

The curriculum in Quantum Science and Technology (Study > Study plan > Enrolled in the 2023/2024 academic year) trains you to be an expert in the fields of modern physics, computer science, electronics and telecommunication systems, preparing you for a career at a high-tech company or research institute.

The curriculum focusing on the Physics of Finance and Economics (Study > Study plan > Enrolled in the 2023/2024 academic year) is offered in collaboration with Ca’ Foscari’s Department of Economics. It will make you an expert with both a strong physics background and the ability to apply this background in the fields of sustainable finance and economics.

The Physics of the Brain curriculum (Study > Study plan > Enrolled in the 2023/2024 academic year) is carried out in collaboration with the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, or SISSA), where part of your training takes place. This curriculum is designed to allow you to apply a strong training in physics to the study of the human brain by equipping you with expertise in the use of experimental and theoretical tools for the investigation of any biological systems. The toolkit you acquire prepares you to work at companies and research institutes focusing on biomedical applications, and upon completing your studies, you receive not only your master’s degree diploma, but also a diploma issued by the SISSA.

Programme structure

This programme includes the following components:

  • course work
  • curricular internship
  • final thesis

You can request to spend one or two semesters at a partner university through Ca’ Foscari’s exchange programmes.
Your curricular internship can be carried out either in Italy or abroad.

Career opportunities

Depending on the curriculum you choose, this degree programme prepares you either to continue on an academic path with doctoral studies in physics, the biosciences, or finance, or launch a professional career. Some of the most popular professions include:

  • IT and business consultancy professionals
  • Managerial or technical roles in R&D and/or production at microelectronics and automation companies
  • Managerial or technical roles in R&D and/or production at biomedical companies
  • Data scientists at high-tech companies and research institutes
  • Data analyst at investment banks
  • Research scientist in scientific, medical or financial research centres

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment