Select your category
You belong to this category if you have citizenship from a Schengen Area country, Ireland or the Republic of Cyprus. You may also belong to this category if you have a non-EU citizenship but are already residing in Italy and in possession of an Italian residence permit that allows university enrolment. To ensure that you choose the correct applicant category, please FILL OUT THIS DEDICATED QUESTIONNAIRE.
You belong to this category if you are currently living outside Italy, do not already possess an Italian permit of stay that allows university enrolment, and only have citizenships from countries that DO NOT appear in the following list: Schengen Area countries, Ireland, Republic of Cyprus. To ensure that you choose the correct applicant category, please FILL OUT THIS DEDICATED QUESTIONNAIRE.
You belong to this category if – regardless of your citizenship – you wish to apply for the Ca’ Foscari Foundation Year. This propedeutic year-long programme is designed to prepare international students for undergraduate studies at an Italian university.